Hair Rejuvenation is a minimally invasive treatment for hair loss that involves Microneedling the scalp, using stem cell technology and hair growth factors. As we age, it’s common for our hair follicle structures to lose integrity – weakening and eventually collapsing. Hair Rejuvenation uses cytokines and growth factors to facilitate communication with your stem cells, instructing stem cells to rebuild compromised hair follicle structures.
What kind of results can you see with Hair Rejuvenation?
Hair Rejuvenation can address thinning hair, sparseness, receding hairline, and bald spots. Hair Rejuvenation stimulates new hair growth and increases visible hair in balding areas.
Who can get Hair Rejuvenation?
Hair loss affects individuals of all ages, genders, and hair types. Hair Rejuvenation can be done on the scalp and beard. Individuals experiencing hereditary or age-related hair loss are good candidates for Hair Rejuvenation.
Hair Rejuvenation is an excellent treatment for natural hair loss – if an imbalance is causing the hair loss, the root of the problem must be addressed before treatment can help. Hair Rejuvenation can be used to treat hormonal hair loss, once the hormonal imbalance is under control!
Can cancer patients receive Hair Rejuvenation treatments?
Since Hair Rejuvenation involves Microneedling the scalp, we will want to wait 12 months after cancer treatment is finished.
Is Hair Rejuvenation painful?
The scalp is numbed with a topical numbing cream. However, since Hair Rejuvenation involves microneedling at a greater depth, pain tolerance varies by individual. The microneedling portion of the procedure only takes ~20 minutes, so it is over quickly.
Hair Rejuvenation involves 24-48 hours of downtime. For the first 24 hrs, you will want to avoid topical scalp products. You will want to completely avoid heat and sun exposure for at least 48-72 hours afterwards. It’s common to experience redness and sensitivity. Some individuals may experience dry skin, itchiness, and peeling during the first 48 hrs.
Since Microneedling triggers an internal healing response within the body, it will take 4-6 weeks to see the full results of your treatment. It is typical to start seeing visible results after treatment 2/5. During that time, you should be supporting your scalp with adequate hydration, sun protection, and homecare.
Aftercare includes microchanneling the scalp using a Microchanneling Stamp and Hair Growth Solution. For maximum results, continue at-home aftercare after the series of treatments has been completed.
Hair Rejuvenation at Mile High Glamour
Hair Rejuvenation at Mile High Glamour is structured into a package for maximum benefits and results. Hair Rejuvenation packages include a series of 5 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart and an aftercare kit.
Microneedling using AnteAge Growth Factors and Cytokines uses stem cell technology to facilitate communication between growth factors and your stem cells. Cytokines are “messengers” that instruct your stem cells to rebuild hair follicle structures.
Denver, CO | Highlands Ranch | Denver Med Spa | Hair Rejuvenation | Hair Loss Treatment | Hair Loss Specialist